COVID-19 Protocols
Firm COVID-19 Client, Contractor & Visitor Policy under the Government Protection Framework
To ensure we minimize the risk of COVID-19 for clients, contractors, visitors and to keep our staff safe, the following policy will apply when visiting our premises:
At all Levels - Red, Orange and Green.
- Scanning in and vaccine passes are no longer required.
- Masks must be worn at all times while you are in the premises.
- Sanitise your hands upon arrival to our reception area.
- Stay away if you have flu- like symptoms. Do not come to the office until you are symptom free and have a negative COVID-19 test.
- Virtual meetings can be arranged as an alternative.
- We have the right to refuse entry to the premises of any person showing signs of being unwell
The following processes are Ministry of Health requirements and they apply to everyone:
Process for all clients to prevent COVID-19 in the workplace:
1. Stay home if you are sick
• If you have symptoms of COVID-19, call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 24 hours a day for advice. Someone will talk with you about your symptoms and arrange for you to be assessed
• Healthline or your general practice team will tell you what you need to do if you need to be tested.
See information about the common COVID-19 symptoms and who to contact to talk about whether you need a test.
2. Basic Hygiene
Basic hygiene measures include good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, avoid touching your face and regularly clean surfaces.
• Wash your hands with soap and water often (for at least 20 seconds) and dry thoroughly. Use an alcohol-based sanitiser and rub hands together if soap and water is unavailable.
• Cough or sneeze into your elbow or cover your mouth and nose with tissues. Put them in a bin immediately. Avoid touching your face, including your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. Surfaces may have infectious droplets.
3. Process for a Confirmed or Probable COVID-19 case
If a staff member, Director, client or visitor becomes a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case, and has been at our workplace while potentially infectious, these are the standard processes that will be followed:
3.1. Notification. Clients are to notify our office as soon as possible by phone, not text or email. We may also be notified by the local public health unit (PHU).
3.2. Contact Tracing
(a) Contact tracing will be undertaken by PHUs and/or the Ministry of Health to determine potential exposure to employees, clients and visitors. Public health officials will advise what actions contacts need to be take.
(b) The contact tracing process involves factual information gathering which could include interviews, CCTV, checking of rosters and assessing cleaning procedures that had occurred whilst/after confirmed case was on site.
The Directors of Allen, Needham & co Ltd are committed to following the guidelines and advice from Ministry of Health and any public health officials. If you have any concerns or queries, about our expectations, please raise these with the Practice Manager.